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What can happen to people who drive without a license?

On Behalf of | Feb 2, 2025 | Traffic Violations

Driving can often be necessary for people with jobs or families. Having access to on-demand transportation is crucial to consistently getting to work on time or handling household matters such as running errands or taking children to school.

Adults can lose their driving privileges for a broad range of different reasons. They might simply forget to renew their license when it expires. The courts might suspend their license due to a criminal conviction. An excessive number of traffic tickets could also lead to a driver’s license suspension in some scenarios.

People who have lost their driver’s licenses might decide to continue driving anyway. Such a decision could put them at risk of additional consequences if they get caught.

What are the penalties for driving without a valid license?

The exact penalties a driver faces depend on their record. The more prior offenses the motorist has, the more serious the charges become. The first time the state accuses a motorist of driving without a license, they are usually at risk of a misdemeanor charge. The penalties could include fines of between $500 and $1,000, between two days and 12 months in jail and a license suspension that lasts six months.

Those with a prior conviction face more serious penalties and charges. A second or third offense within five years of the first can lead to aggravated misdemeanor charges. The penalties include between 10 days and 12 months in jail, while the fine increases to between $1,000 and $2,500. The license suspension stays the same.

Anyone convicted of a fourth or subsequent offense within five years may face felony charges. The penalties include between one and five years in jail and up to $5,000 in fines. The state can suspend the driver’s license for as little as six months but possibly for the rest of their life.

Those accused of driving without a license may need help responding so that they aren’t at risk of criminal consequences and escalating penalties in the future. Even a traffic-based offense may result in a criminal record that can affect a defendant’s future. Fighting back against allegations of driving without a license may help people avoid penalties or limit the consequences of the charges that they face.